Find Me At

Ohana Yoga & Barre

Wednesday 6pm – Candlelight Heated Flow
Second Wednesday 7:15pm – Yoga Nidra
Thursday 9am – Heated Flow

Align Yoga

Tuesday 9am – Flow 2
Tuesday 12pm – Warm Flow 2
Thursday 12pm – Warm Flow 2

What’s Class Like?

I love guiding classes and holding space. In any of my flow classes, you can expect to be challenged but you’ll never feel overwhelmed as all classes are accessible. I also give the freedom to explore while cueing up inversions and balancing poses. I’m approachable and always want your experience in class to be the best that it can be. If there is something you want to work on, tell me. If something didn’t feel right or a transition or pose felt awkward, tell me. I’m here as a guide and to support you!

I completed my 200 hr YTT in December of 2017. I’m also certified in Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra and do Vedic meditation.

  • Challenging Flow 100% 100%
  • Creative Sequencing 95% 95%
  • arm balances & inversions 90% 90%
  • Playful 95% 95%
  • Bomb @ss Music 100% 100%

When I’m not on the mat, you can find me in the mountains exploring with my family, snowboarding, kayaking, camping, backpacking, being a jungle gym for my three children and running a design agency with my wife.